Edward ZhaoFull Stack Engineer - HF - Team Leader


Senior Frontend Developer Team Leader

2017/08 ~ 2022/12 5 yearsShanghai

  • Led team, including 13 platform developers and 2 frontend architects, maintaining more than 40 projects and 2 frameworks together
  • Improved user experience, including optimizing video start-up loaded time to within 1 second, using VUE-SSR
  • Improved service stability, built a three-layer degradation plan for SSR service and implemented it, achieving a stability rate of 99.99%
  • Reduced duplicate work, developed a set of scaffolding tools from scratch, improved the development experience, reduced user learning costs, and currently more than 80% of frontend projects within the company are using it
  • Developed and maintained a one-click publishing system based on gitlab pipeline from scratch, made it easier for developers to publish, test and go online, and currently more than 80% of frontend projects within the company are using it
  • Solved the problem of scattered projects, managed them using Pnpm + Monorepo, and achieved project independence and code reuse
  • Solved the testing environment conflict problem, designed and promoted the landing of the colored test environment plan, making frontend and backend joint debugging more convenient
  • Solved the problem of reproducing errors encountered by users, set up a Sentry service in a Self Host manner to collect error stacks, and solved page errors more efficiently
  • Conducted several technical sharing sessions internally, including Docker, Node-SSR, Linux, Monorepo, etc
  • Represented BiliBili to participate in frontend conferences to share Node-SSR's landing plan at BiliBili



Full Stack Engineer

2015/08 ~ 2017/08 2 yearsShanghai

  • Improved and designed a common Restful API to serve both WebPage and APP, reducing duplicate work
  • Coordinated operation team and maintenance to deploy a distributed architecture, supporting millions of concurrent requests
  • Developed and maintained a cronjob script framework, achieved flexible and scalable execution of task executors
  • Developed and maintained components, including voting, lottery, face recognition, etc



Senior Software Engineer

2013/08 ~ 2015/08 2 yearsShanghai

  • Designed data structures and developed Restful API to receive complete behavior logs uploaded by car owners from the APP side, and achieved data integrity preservation
  • Developed and analyzed car owners' behavior logs to obtain bad habits that need to be improved
  • Developed H5 pages and embedded them in the APP, providing car owners with a behavior analysis report
  • Solved interface security, collocated with the APP side to use dynamic signature algorithm encryption



Senior Software Engineer

2012/12 ~ 2013/08 8 monthsShanghai

  • Developed Restful API to collection PV, Click data, designed and optimized the system for distributed storage and asynchronous consumption, achieving complete data preservation
  • Designed and developed the frontend Web platform with access control, realizing data display
  • Conducted several internal technical sharing sessions, including Python, Django, MQ, etc.
